Thanks for the Thanks!

Thomas Lipham, Planet 'X' Outreach EducatorDerrick and I (Thomas) have many different kinds of tasks while on and off the road that keep The Race for Planet X mobile museum functioning. We have to deal with the logistics of scheduling, maintaining the truck, and keeping the exhibits working to name a few. With the multiple elements we have to keep up with, we sometimes lose perspective on the impact the truck has on the thousands of kids we visit.

Thank You!
Thank you cards like this help us appreciate the impact we're having across the state!

The sixth grade class at Hazen Elementary went through the mobile museum earlier this school semester and decided to take the time and effort to show us how much our visit meant to them. Not only did we get a traditional thank you card from the teacher, but we also received dozens of personally designed and created thank you cards from the students.

Originality and creativeness was truly inspiring and these kids would put me to shame in an art contest. We really enjoyed looking through them all and seeing what the students had to say about their experience.

Thank You!
To see our album of Thank You cards, click one of the images!

Many of them wrote about their favorite exhibits. The gesture of thanks from the sixth grade at Hazen Elementary helps Derrick and myself keep perspective on what we do and the unique experience we provide to kids throughout Arkansas. Now if this frigid weather would just clear up we could get back out there!

Take a look at some more very creative, very fun Thank You cards from past explorers!